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  • Sunday, May 6, 2007

    浮罗交怡之旅 (漏网之照) LANGKAWI ISLAND TRIP (Left Out Photo)

    生果们 all the fruits
    风水池? feng shui pond?
    只会几个字 just know few words
    日本人的侍应 japanese waitress
    餐厅外面的摆设 decoration outside restaurant

    吃得津津有味 so delicious
    我的原望是下一次再吃时整台的食物都是我的! my wish is all will be mine next time i take this kind of dinner

    多简单 真好赚 simply furnishing make a lot money
    我和我不吃的生果们 me&the fruits that i dont eat

    烧烤鳗鱼Unagi BBQ
    天富罗 清晰版 tempura set clear view
    鸡肉套餐 再拍 chicken set re-take
    烧烤蛙鱼套餐 salmon BBQ set
    做个一餐的有钱人 be one meal rich man

    烧烤鳗鱼套餐 Unagi Set
    天富罗 套餐 Tempura Set
    鳗鱼套餐和饭 Unagi Set & rice
    鸡肉套餐 chicken set
    高级日本餐厅装饰2 high class japanese decoration2

    高级日本晚餐 the high class japanese dinner
    我和高级日本快子me&high class japanese chopstick
    我们是花旦 we are the actor from chinese opera
    看镜头 look here...
    高级日本餐厅装饰 high class japanese decoration

    我和帆船之港 me&boat harbour
    我和传奇公园最美景 me&the view of Lagend Park
    看到飞鹰广场吗? see the eagle square?
    我们在森林里 human in the jungle! oh yee oh...!oh yee oh...!
    看我扮酷! see my cool look...

    我在七井山顶瀑布的跌水处 me at 7 well where the water "fall"...
    这七井真的爬到好累 realy tire come up here...
    累到眼神慌茫 tire untill blur...
    看我的湿发型 see my wet look...
    我和七井另一亭 me&7 well next shelter

    我和团友与沙堡 me&my group with sand castle
    该怎么建呢? how to build arr...
    啊!眼镜都蒙了! my spect blur liao...
    走到上气不接下气 walk untill cant breath...
    我在七井的谅亭 me at 7 well de tower...

    让我帮你遮太阳 let me be your sun shade
    为什么你没有遮我的? why you dont cover me de?
    我在玩沙 me buiding sand castle

    我和我做的沙堡 me & my sand castle

    抓泥鳅器当帽 see my zulu hat...???
    好重哦! so heavy leh!
    我和东方之村大门 the entrance of Oriental Village
    我和入口广告牌 me&entrance sign board
    沙滩和我们... Cenang Beach with us...

    啊!哇!哦! wuu...!!!
    我和稻田餐厅的餐牌 me&laman padi cafe menu
    我和碎米器 me&rice cruncher
    我在渡假村房里的椅子上 me on a chair in my resort

    铁达尼号? 是飞鹰广场啦! is it titanic? is Eagle Square lah...
    我的食物怎么不来?why my food still not yet serve???
    马来餐和“我们” malay food & "us"...
    我和去环岛跳的船 me&island hopping de boat
    看!是心指呢! looks is finger Heart Shape...

    恐怖的吊桥 scary suspension bridge
    祖恩:“好怕啊!” joyvin said:"i'm so afraid"
    怕也是值得的!although afraid but worth it...!
    孕妇岛 dayang bunting island
    欢迎来到孕妇岛上的孕妇湖 welcome to Dayang Bunting Island de Dayang Bunting Lake

    我不是在云顶高原,而是在浮罗交怡的缆车最高一站。...i'm not in genting highland but in Langkawi Cable Car Top Station...

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